Henrik Stenson made "every arrangement possible" to fulfil Ryder Cup captaincy duties and seeks clarity on future

Stenson admitted that the prize money on offer in LIV played a part in his decision to join the breakaway Tour, and outlined his desire for a resolution to uncertainty over the Ryder Cup future of LIV players.

By Cameron Hogwood, Interviews, Comment & Analysis @ch_skysports

Henrik Stenson says he made every arrangement to keep his Ryder Cup captaincy, before he was stripped of it ahead of joining the LIV Golf series.

Henrik Stenson insists he did everything he could to be able to continue in his post as European Ryder Cup captain after making the decision to sign up for the LIV series.

The Swede was stripped of the leadership role last week when Ryder Cup Europe stated that Stenson would not be able to fulfil contractual obligations as captain after joining the Saudi-backed breakaway tour.

Stenson makes his first appearance in a LIV event this week at former US President Donald Trump's Bedminster course in New Jersey.

Ian Poulter and Lee Westwood say they are unsure of their Ryder Cup playing status however they haven't received any correspondence on the contrary.

"I don't feel like I've given it up," said Stenson of the captaincy. "I made every arrangement possible here to be able to fulfill my captain's duties, and I've had great help here from LIV to be able to do that.

"And still, the decision was made that I was to be removed. I'm obviously disappointed over the situation. But it is what it is, and yeah, we move on from there now."


Stenson refused to disclose details of the "private contract" he signed with Ryder Cup Europe when asked whether he was aware he would be removed as captain.

He said he was notified of the decision on the back of conversations with the team in which he explained he would be joining LIV.

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"We had - we had discussions and I informed them of the decision to go and play in LIV tournaments," he said. "They had a - had a short period of time where they were kind of discussing or debating if what was going to happen, and I was informed of their decision shortly after."

Padraig Harrington believes the LIV Golf Invitational Series is here to stay and has called on the competing tours to find a way to coexist.

The 46-year-old did not deny that the lucrative financial rewards on offer played a role in him moving across to LIV, the second event of which saw winner Charl Schwartzel take home $4m in prize money.

"I mean, I'd say I've been a golf professional since very late 1998, and purse sizes, prize money on offer, financial part's always been a part of where we made up our schedules and where we are going to play. It's been a part of it, absolutely. It was no different in this case," said Stenson.

Stenson underlined his desire for a conclusion to uncertainty over the future for LIV players in the The Ryder Cup.

"I obviously feel like it's a shame that we ended up in this situation, and I just hope that we can get a resolution as soon as possible here for all tours and everyone involved, and we can all kind of co-exist together," he explained.

"Yeah, all the players love The Ryder Cup and Presidents Cup. Yeah, it's just a shame we ended up in this situation. I hope for a quick solution."
