Watch as Fabian Gomez plays a stunning pitch from the stands

Image: Fabian Gomez pitched to seven feet despite being in the stands

If your golf ball lands in the stands, you're entitled to a free drop. But Fabian Gomez decided to "play it as it lies" in the final round of the BMW Championship.

The Argentine's wayward tee-shot at the 240-yard par-three 17th sent the crowd scurrying for cover and his ball came to rest close to a hospitality suite.

Fabian Gomez produces an incredible shot after getting himself into trouble at the 17th in the BMW Championship

But rather than take a free drop, Gomez decided he had a good line into the flag, and he played a delightful pitch over the seats and to within seven feet of the hole.

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Just a shame he missed the putt for par!
