NFL owners and players meet to discuss anthem protests

By Reuters

Image: Buffalo Bills players kneel during the national anthem before an NFL game against the Denver Broncos

NFL players, owners and league officials, including Commissioner Roger Goodell, will meet in New York on Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss ways to "move from protest to progress."

The NFL is seeking to find a compromise over the issue of players protesting during the national anthem.

U.S. President Donald Trump's unflagging criticism of the symbolic gesture as unpatriotic, which he repeated as recently as Monday, has only made the practice more widespread.

His calls for fans to boycott games if players persist is an unwelcome prospect even for the world's highest-grossing sports league and have forced the topic high up the regularly scheduled meeting's agenda.

Image: Donald Trump has called for NFL games to be boycotted

An NFL spokesman said ahead of the meeting that the president may not see an outright ban on the act soon, if ever.


"I anticipate a very productive presentation of things we can do to work together," Joe Lockhart, the spokesman, told reporters ahead of the gathering of team owners, players and their union's leaders at a Manhattan hotel. "Beyond that I don't anticipate anything else."

Image: Buffalo Bills players kneel during the national anthem prior to facing the Atlanta Falcons

Trump wants the league to punish players with suspension if they kneel during the pre-game renditions of "The Star-Spangled Banner," saying on Monday the players were disrespecting the country. His vice president, Mike Pence, walked out of the stadium in Indianapolis earlier this month as players began kneeling, which Trump said he had instructed Pence to do.

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Some team owners, including Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, sympathize with the president. Jones said he would punish players who kneel by keeping them off the field.

The league was more inclined to seek a compromise that allowed an outlet for the players' political activism rather than to compel them to stand during the anthem, Lockhart said.

Image: Max Garcia #76, Brandon McManus #8 and Virgil Green #85 of the Denver Broncos during the anthem

The small but growing number of players who have taken to kneeling say they are protesting against the police killings of unarmed black men and boys across the United States and racial disparities in the criminal justice system. More than half of all NFL players are black.

Players, along with their union the NFL Players Association, have bristled at Trump's assertion they are unpatriotic. Though still a minority, more players have begun kneeling since the new season began, and some sympathetic teammates have linked arms with the kneelers while standing themselves.

Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who first popularized the gesture last year, said he settled on kneeling as a form of protest because it is widely seen as a gesture of respect.

Image: Colin Kaepernick #7 and Eric Reid #35 of the San Francisco 49ers kneel in protest during the national anthem