Damar Hamlin tells Buffalo Bills team-mates 'love you boys' over FaceTime call as breathing tube is removed

Damar Hamlin spoke with Bills team-mates over FaceTime on Friday: according to a statement, Hamlin said: "Love you boys"; the 24-year-old asked who won Monday's match between Cincinnati and Buffalo when he initially woke in hospital on Wednesday night

By Cameron Hogwood, Interviews, Comment & Analysis @ch_skysports

Image: Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin has been able to communicate with doctors in writing

Damar Hamlin spoke with Buffalo Bills team-mates over FaceTime on Friday after his breathing tube was removed. According to a team statement, Hamlin said: "Love you boys".

Hamlin is breathing on his own for the first time since going into cardiac arrest during Monday night's game against the Bengals in Cincinnati.

The Bills safety collapsed after tackling Bengals receiver Tee Higgins midway through the first quarter of Monday's game and underwent CPR for approximately 10 minutes before he was taken to hospital.

In an earlier statement on Friday, confirming the removal of Hamlin's breathing tube overnight, the Bills said he "continues to progress remarkably in his recovery," before adding that "his neurologic function remains intact and he has been able to talk to his family and care team."

NFL Network's Cameron Wolfe said he spoke with the Hamlin family on Friday morning about the latest developments in Hamlin's status.


"They are absolutely elated this morning, emotional that he's had that breathing tube out, that he's had conversations with what they've described as his brothers," Wolfe said. "They said, 'Look, we cannot describe the emotion as anything other than elated.'"

The 24-year-old Hamlin remains in the intensive care unit at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, with his family by his side. During a press conference on Thursday, doctors noted his "substantial improvement".

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Dr Tim Pritts said: "We would like to share that there has been substantial improvement in his condition over the past 24 hours.

"We had significant concern about him after the injury and after the event on the field and he is making substantial progress. As of this morning, he is beginning to awaken and it appears that his neurological conditional and function is intact."

Pritts also noted that Hamlin woke up on Wednesday night and asked via writing whether the Bills won the game. The game was suspended midway through the first quarter with the Bengals leading 7-3.

Per Pritts, doctors responded to his question with the following: "The answer is yes. Damar, you won the game of life."

Bills 'excited to get out there', says QB Allen

The NFL announced on Thursday that the Bills-Bengals game has been cancelled. Buffalo returned to practice on Thursday to prepare for their regular-season finale on Sunday against the visiting New England Patriots.

The Buffalo Bills practiced on Thursday for the first time since team-mate Demar Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest on the field during a game against the Cincinnati Bengals

Also addressing the media for the first time on Thursday, Bills quarterback Josh Allen spoke of his emotions as the scary situation with Hamlin unfolded on Monday night.

"I don't typically like using emotion to answer questions, but the scene just replays over and over in your head," Allen said. "It's hard to answer that question and actually describe how I felt, how my team-mates felt in that moment. It's something we'll never forget, but know that Damar is doing okay... We're extremely happy for him and his family.

He added: "Being on that field, you lose sleep, you hurt for your brother. A lot of shared grief. But to the question before, getting updates - and positive updates - eases so much of that pain and tension that you feel."

Allen also said that news of Hamlin's improvement, as well as a message from his father, Mario Hamlin, helped the team in their decision to play on Sunday.

"Mario talking to us as a team... he really didn't tell us, he demanded us," Allen said. "You can't not honour his request to go out there and charge forward to the best of our abilities.

"And, obviously, we'll be playing with, I guess, less heavy hearts now... I think guys are excited to get out there. We want to play for Three."

Bengals receiver Higgins, who was involved in the play prior to Hamlin suffering a cardiac arrest, said that he has spoken to Hamlin's mother when speaking to the media this week.

"It's been hard, just because I had something to do with the play and whatnot," Higgins said on Thursday in his first comments since the incident.

"But everybody has been making me feel whole again. I talked to his mom and notice everything is OK. He's doing good." Higgins added Hamlin's mother told him that "she's thinking and praying for me."

An incredible league-wide response has seen coaches and players pay tribute to the 24-year-old, whose toy drive GoFundMe page set up in 2020 as part of his Chasing M's Foundation has seen donations eclipse an initial target of $2,500 by reaching upwards of $7m.

"The outpouring of support for Damar across the nation has been amazing," said Hamlin's representation Agency 1 Sports on Thursday. "Thank you for the calls, messages and emails.

"Damar has made substantial improvement overnight. We are so thankful for all of the first responders, doctors and hospital staff and every one who has played a role in this process.

"Please continue to pray for Damar and we will provide updates as they are available."

Cincinnati Bengals head coach Zac Taylor says his thoughts and prayers are with Damar Hamlin after the Buffalo Bills star suffered a cardiac arrest against his side.

Hamlin is in his second season in the NFL, after being taken in the sixth round of the 2021 NFL Draft by the Bills. He spent five years playing college football at Pittsburgh, his hometown, appearing in 48 games for the Panthers.

He has started 14 games for the Bills this season in place of injured safety Micah Hyde, who suffered a neck injury in Week Two and has been on injured reserve since. Hamlin is tied for the second-most tackles on the team this year, with 91.
