Roethlisberger meets NFL brass

Image: Roethlisberger: off-field troubles

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has met with Pittsburgh quarterback Ben Roethlisberger to discuss his off-field conduct.

Pittsburgh QB could be punished by league

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has met with Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger to discuss his off-field conduct. While Roethlisberger will not face criminal charges after being accused of assaulting a 20-year-old female student in a nightclub bathroom, he is also being sued in civil court by a former Nevada hotel employee for an alleged sexual assault in 2008. No criminal charges were filed in that case. The 28-year-old, however, could still be punished under the NFL's personal conduct policy. Possible sanctions include a suspension, fine or counselling and rehabilitation. "Commissioner Goodell met today (April 13) with Ben Roethlisberger and his representatives to discuss the recent incident involving his personal conduct," the league said in a statement. "In accordance with the league's personal conduct policy, our office will review all the facts and follow up at the appropriate time with the Steelers and Ben."