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Shayne Singleton stops Adil Anwar, Tommy Coyle returns with win

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Shayne Singleton was delighted with his victory over Adil Anwar.

Shayne Singleton won a War of the Roses battle with Adil Anwar in eight exciting rounds on a busy night in Manchester.

The Lancastrian picked up the vacant WBC International Silver welterweight title after putting his Leeds opponent down in the opening round but had to take plenty of punches before a smart right signalled the finish.

'The Pain' lived up to his nickname by putting Anwar down in the first, catching him on the way in with a superbly timed left that saw the Leeds fighter stunned but still able to get up and fight back.

Indeed the next round saw him box his way out of trouble and turn the tables, attacking Singleton with smart combinations and rarely getting countered on his way in.

But Singleton was up for the fight and even if the middle rounds didn't go in his favour, he stepped up a gear in the second half of the fight

In the eighth a short, sharp right ended Anwar's latest attack and saw him fail to recover, leaving the winner looking at a British title attempt.

Adil Anwar v Shayne Singleton
Image: Adil Anwar and Shayne Singleton swapped shots

"I was trying to work to a plan but it wasn't going how we wanted it with him being tricky as he is but I'm happy with the result," Singelton told Sky Sports.

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"He came back but we knew that'd happen. I probably coasted a bit too light but I always know I've got it in the last few rounds if I need to. I've learned from being beaten by Sam Eggington to not get angry. Just keep the emotions cool and do things right.

"We've got lots to learn but I'd like to fight Bradley Skeete next. I want the British title. Whatever makes sense financially."

Tommy Coyle
Image: Tommy Coyle got back into action with a points win

Tommy Coyle returned to the ring after 10 months out with a busy, bustling six-round points success over Reynaldo Mora.

'Boom Boom' struggled to find his rhythm in the first two rounds but he slowly but surely started to control the pace and landed more punches as he at least got the rounds under his belt before trying to take on more domestic lightweight rivals.

"I've been so nervous and anxious so I'm just happy to get in the ring and move on from injuries and former losses. I've not just beaten a world champion - I'm realistic but I've just come back from injury," he told Sky Sports.

"We boxed at 10st because we didn't know who we were fighting until two weeks ago. If the right fights are there at 9st 9lbs, I'll take them. I'm a fan of Masher Dodd and I'd like to fight him. If Ricky Burns gets the world title maybe Eddie [Hearn] will stick me in with him."

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Tommy Coyle was relieved to get his comeback out of the way after beating Reynaldo Mora

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