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Pete Dunne: Brit talks WWE, Tyler Bate and Shinsuke Nakamura

'Bruiserweight' would like to face Mark Andrews at WrestleMania

WWE - Pete Dunne
Image: Pete Dunne wants to face Mark Andrews at WrestleMania

The Undertaker usually tops the list when wrestlers are asked who they would most like to face at WrestleMania - but England's Pete Dunne is thinking a little closer to home.

The Birmingham-born brawler - runner-up to Tyler Bate in the inaugural United Kingdom Championship Tournament in January - wants to battle long-time rival and fellow Brit Mark Andrews at WWE's grandest event.

Dunne, 24 toppled Welsh star Andrews in the semi-finals in Blackpool earlier this year and then got the better of him again on Wednesday's episode of NXT, winning both bouts with his Bitter End finishing move.

WWE NXT - Mark Andrews v Pete Dunne
Image: Dunne traps Andrews in a submission move on NXT

"If I could face anyone at any point at WrestleMania, it would be Mark Andrews," Dunne told after his pinfall triumph in Orlando.

"I have wrestled him for years and everywhere we have gone, whether in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla in California, in the United Kingdom Tournament or wherever else, we always seem to meet.

"I feel we always have great matches, so competing against him on that stage would be something special."

WWE - Mark Andrews
Image: Andrews (pictured) and Dunne battled on Wednesday night's NXT

Dunne is hopeful that his NXT match does not prove to be a one-off - and is already targeting a bout with one of the brand's most popular stars, former New Japan Pro Wrestling kingpin Shinsuke Nakamura.

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"He is someone I have wanted to work with for years and years and years," the Midlander said of the two-time NXT Champion, who lost his belt to Bobby Roode at TakeOver: San Antonio in January.

"Now that I am in the WWE system and maybe back at NXT more often, he's someone I've certainly got my eye on.

WWE NXT - Shinsuke Nakamura
Image: Dunne reckons a match with Shinsuke Nakamura is a 'no brainer'

"I think he captivates a lot of people with his charisma but I am a big fan of the sport of professional wrestling and he always has incredible wrestling matches. I think me versus him is a no brainer."

Nakamura receives booming cheers every time he wrestles - but Dunne was the United Kingdom Championship Tournament's bad guy.

Dunne, nicknamed the Bruiserweight due to his intense and hard-hitting style, attacked local favourite Sam Gradwell ahead of their quarter-final, before jumping Bate prior to the showpiece bout.

Pete Dunne - WWE UK Tournament
Image: Dunne snarls during the UK Championship Tournament in Blackpool

"I always tried to be the good guy and emulate what my favourite wrestlers were doing - people like AJ Styles - but my character started to click when I became bad," added the reigning PROGRESS Wrestling World Champion.

"William Regal is an obvious influence, as is Fit Finlay - you can see that in my style of wrestling - but I try not to copy too much of what I see now as that was part of my problem early on.

"I just try to be as unique as possible and find my own ways of being bad!"

A bad guy he may be but Dunne cannot help but lavish praise on "incredible" Bate, who came through the first defence of his United Kingdom Title by beating Trent Seven on last week's edition of NXT.

WWE NXT - Tyler Bate
Image: Tyler Bate holds his belt after overcoming Trent Seven

Dunne is eager to battle the teenager, whom he helped train, in a championship rematch, though he says there are plenty of other Brits he would like to combat, too.

The Midlander wants that to be on a weekly WWE show in the UK, something Triple H has previously stated is the company's long-term goal.

"I can't wait to get back in there with him and go again," Dunne added of Bate. "He is the most naturally talented person I have ever met.

"I have a running joke with him where I say he could be anything he wants - he could be the best wrestler, the best bodybuilder, the top powerlifter.

WWE UK Tournament - Pete Dunne v Tyler Bate
Image: Bate and Dunne lock up in Blackpool

"He could do anything if he put the hard work in, which he always does. He is just incredible.

"I would also love to face Seven, James Drake, Joseph Connors and lots of the other British lads - I am really excited about a potential brand starting.

"It seems like WWE have plans for us, so the ball is in their court now."

Read our recent interview with Trent Seven here.

WWE - Trent Seven
Image: Seven recently spoke to

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