Ronnie O'Sullivan conducts post-match interviews in a bizarre Australian accent

O'Sullivan: "When you talk Aussie, the Aussies are just winners mate, you know? You've got to love a winner"

Image: Ronnie O'Sullivan attempted to talk in a bizarre Australian accent during his post-match interviews

Ronnie O'Sullivan celebrated victory over Barry Hawkins in the Players Championship in Preston by attempting to talk in a bizarre Australian accent in his post-match interviews.

The Rocket - widely considered the game's greatest ever - is closing in on 1,000 career centuries and the world No 3 withstood Hawkins' fightback to seal a 6-4 first-round win at the Guild Hall and set up a last-eight clash against either Mark Selby or John Higgins.

"I dip in with a bit of Cockney, a bit of Australian and a bit of Scouse, you know what I mean mate? It's all good. I should have been an impersonator," O'Sullivan told BBC Lancashire Sport as he assessed the match.

When asked if there was any particular reason why he was trying to talk like an Australian, the five-time world champion from Essex said: "No mate, I just feel totally positive.

"When you talk Aussie, the Aussies are just winners mate, you know? You've got to love a winner.


"Us English, we love a loser, so I thought I'm fed up of being a loser, I'm going to talk like a winner, like the Aussies. Get the Ashes won mate."

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