Brian Hughes suspension on hold

Image: Brian Hughes on Waiting Patiently

Brian Hughes' suspension for weighing in light at Carlisle has been temporarily postponed while an investigation is carried out.

Hughes, currently leading the race to be crowned champion jockey, was handed a three-day ban on Monday after he returned to the scales without his weight cloth after winning on Bingo D'Olivate.

Trainer James Ewart, who was fined £750 (which has also been suspended for the time being), later found the weight cloth, with the lead inside, on the sand walk-in from the course.

Hughes, who was due to be out of action between March 2-4, had immediately announced his intention to appeal via a statement issued by the Professional Jockeys Association.

The British Horseracing Authority said in a statement on Friday: "The suspensions and fines in relation to this horse weighing in light have been temporarily stayed pending further investigation into the exact cause of the underweight.

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"As a result the BHA will not be offering further comment in relation to this matter."
