James Graham: Former England captain says NRL clubs' 'self-interest' behind Australia, New Zealand's World Cup withdrawal

Australia and New Zealand have pulled out of the upcoming Rugby League World Cup in England, citing concerns over coronavirus; RFL chairman Simon Johnson branded the move "selfish, parochial and cowardly"; James Graham added: "They are clearly motivated by things that they're not saying"

By PA Media

Image: Former England captain James Graham says 'self-interest' from the NRL's clubs is behind Australia and New Zealand's withdrawal from the upcoming Rugby League World Cup

Former England captain James Graham says self-interest by the NRL clubs is at the heart of the decision by Australia and New Zealand to pull out of the World Cup.

The holders and 2008 champions cited player safety during the coronavirus pandemic as the reason for withdrawing from the England-based tournament which is due to get under way on October 23 but Graham has dubbed it a "straw man argument".

The former St Helens favourite, who has played in the NRL for St George Illawarra and Canterbury Bulldogs, has become a television pundit in Australia since retiring at the end of November's Super League Grand Final.

"There are enough sporting events in the world right now that are going ahead," he said.

"They are clearly motivated by things that they're not saying. I don't believe the motivation for not participating in this tournament to be Covid or player welfare."


Graham believes the ARL Commission has bowed to pressure from the clubs, who feared disruption to their preparations for the 2022 season by some of their players not reporting back until February due to the need to quarantine on their return from England and then taking an agreed six-week holiday entitlement.

Wigan head coach Adrian Lam, who is also Australia's assistant coach, hopes a resolution can be found

"This has always been an issue and a problem in international rugby league in terms of NRL-based players having legal entitlements and it's easily debunked," he said.

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"In 2017 the World Cup didn't finish until December. Just because you are entitled to your leave doesn't mean you have to take it, there's a bit of give and take with most clubs.

"What tends to happen is that there's an agreement between the clubs and their players. It's a straw man argument."

Graham, who played in the World Cups of 2008, 2013 and 2017, does not expect a change of heart from Australia or New Zealand but hopes their players are given the opportunity to play for other nations in the tournament.

Rugby Football League chairman Simon Johnson says Australia and New Zealand’s decision to withdraw is 'selfish and parochial'

"I can't see them changing their mind," said Graham, who has called for the creation of a think tank to shake up the international game. "I really do hope I'm wrong but they're not the type to do a U-turn on this.

"Part of me hopes that a majority of the 48 players denied an opportunity to play for Australia and New Zealand find another nation to represent.

"Victor Radley can play for England and Tyson Frizell for Wales again, wouldn't that be great? I even saw Ryan Papenhuyzen put out a tweet about the Dutch coming in.

"It would be player power to say 'we wanted to play and we're going to play, it's just not going to be under your banner'. But that's a bit of an emotional response, to put one back on them.

England international Sam Tomkins says Australia and New Zealand's decision to pull out of the World Cup has come at a strange time, with the tournament not due to start until late October

"What we probably need is to get some really good minds together and come up with a plan to grow the game at international level.

"It's something that needs to be looked at very carefully by some people who don't have self-interest at heart. And it's not just the NRL, clubs in the UK are just as guilty at having self-interest at the forefront of their minds.

"I get it, I understand it, but if you want to grow the game internationally you've got to let go of that.

"I know how important it is to get this right for the future of our game, both in England and internationally."

World Cup organisers are continuing to weigh up their next move. An emergency board meeting was convened following the sudden announcement and members agreed to reconvene in the middle of this week to formulate their next step.

A statement read: "The Rugby League World Cup 2021 have held an emergency board meeting following the hugely disappointing statement made by ARLC and NZRL.

"The board conducted constructive discussions on the best way forward for the tournament and will continue dialogue with all stakeholders, including the UK Government, in the coming days.

"The well-being of all those involved in the tournament, particularly players and team officials, have been the priority for the organisers.

"The board reiterated the relentless hard work and extraordinary measures that have been taken to create a world-class environment in line with other major sports event that have been successfully hosted in UK this year.

"The board will meet again in the coming days but in the meantime will continue to concentrate its efforts on being solutions focused and achieving the best possible outcome for the tournament."
