Twickenham to hold drive-through coronavirus testing for key workers

Image: Twickenham is the home of English rugby

A drive-through coronavirus testing facility is to open at Twickenham to increase testing for NHS and other key workers.

The appointment-only facility will be piloted for its first few days of operation and is part of a new network of testing sites being set up around the UK, with 32 testing sites opened to date.

The government says the network will provide thousands more PCR swab tests - which are used to identify if you currently have the virus - for critical key workers, starting with NHS frontline staff.

"This new service will help end the uncertainty of whether NHS and social care staff and other key workers need to stay at home, meaning those who test negative will be able to return to work," Health Minister Lord Bethell said.

The RFU was "pleased to be able to support the COVID-19 drive-through testing programme", said chief executive Bill Sweeney.


"We receive tremendous support from frontline services during match days at Twickenham and we are grateful for the opportunity to be able to support key workers during this severe national crisis with the use of our site and staff to support operationally," he added.

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The government says it is also urgently working on setting up a home-testing service for critical key workers, supported by Amazon's logistics network and other commercial partners.
