WATCH: Funniest Royal Rumble moments in WWE history

Anything can happen in a Royal Rumble Match - and occasionally does, with hilarious results

The Royal Rumble is arguably the most distinctive match in WWE and, as well as offering the prospect of a WrestleMania title match, it also provides plenty of emotion and excitement.

One of its key features is the anticipation when the clock counts down from 10 to one and the arrival of the next entrant is revealed.

Crowds have been known to loosen the screws on arena roofs when the countdown has expired and the opening notes of their favourite competitor's music has sounded.

How to book WWE Royal Rumble on Sky Sports!

Click here to book the Royal Rumble on Sky Sports and make sure you don't miss any of the action!

And then there's the unique collisions and confrontations. Who could forget the reunion of Mickie James and Trish Stratus at last year's Royal Rumble? Or the era-spanning tussle between wrestlers as poles apart as Kairi Sane and Molly Holly?

But there is also plenty of opportunities for comic relief. We've plundered the archives to track down the 10 funniest moments from the classic January match.

Also See:

Don't forget - you can watch the 2019 Royal Rumble live on Sky Sports Box Office from midnight on Sunday night, January 27, where 30 men and 30 women will once again compete for a WrestleMania shot at the championship of their choice!
