Bray Wyatt debuts The Fiend with attack on Finn Balor on Raw

Bray Wyatt has left the Firefly Fun House to introduce Finn Balor to all of his new friends… including 'The Fiend'

Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' made its long-awaited debut on last night's Raw with a vicious attack on Finn Balor.

After months of videos featuring Wyatt's 'Firefly Fun House', in which the former Wyatt Family leader has displayed a decidedly split personality, the macabre masked character was finally seen in a live setting, although his true intentions remain unclear.

Balor had just lost a gruelling match against Samoa Joe but was preparing to regain some momentum and restore some pride after landing a post-bout Coup de Grace when his music was cut short and the arena fell into darkness.

With everyone unsighted, the Fiend made his arrival before drilling Balor with a Sister Abigail to leave him down and out and signal some very dark intentions.

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Click on the video above to check out The Fiend's debut and don't forget to catch the full repeat of WWE Raw every Tuesday night at 9pm on Sky Sports Arena.
