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Lewis Hamilton and Sergio Perez back NFL protests against President Donald Trump

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Lewis Hamilton and Sergio Perez backed NFL protests against President Donald Trump when speaking ahead of the Malaysia Grand Prix

Lewis Hamilton says he "identifies" with NFL protests against US President Donald Trump.

Trump has continued in his criticism on the league, saying the sport is "going to go to hell" as a business if it does not change, and that players are entitled to protest during a game "but they cannot do it during the national anthem".

But Hamilton, who last month posted his support the protests on social media by urging players to #takeaknee, has backed the rights for anyone to demonstrate against injustice.

"I think it's open for anyone to have the freedom of speech and we can all play a role in trying to make a difference in the world, particularly if your leader is not - in that area - it takes for the people to try standing together," said Hamilton, ahead of this weekend's Malaysia Grand Prix.

"I really think I can identify with a lot of those individuals, hence the posts I put up."

Image: Sergio Perez believes sports professionals have an 'obligation' to use their raised profiles for change

Mexican driver Sergio Perez has also offered his support of the NFL players protesting against Trump, after the practice of not standing for the anthem was started by former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick last year.

Perez believes sport offers an ideal platform to help bring about political change.

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"Being a sportsman gives you a lot of voice," said Perez. "It is important, not only in the States, all around the world, to try to care about what is going on in the world, not only being focused on your job.

"You have some obligations you have to look after."

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