Dereck Chisora more dangerous for Dillian Whyte after hiring David Haye, says Johnny Nelson

By Johnny Nelson, Boxing Expert & Columnist

Johnny Nelson admits he was surprised by Dereck Chisora's decision to appoint David Haye as his manager, but expects it to be a successful partnership.

Dereck Chisora made a smart move by naming David Haye as his new manager and has now become a "more dangerous opponent" for Dillian Whyte, says Johnny Nelson.

I was as surprised as everybody else when Chisora teamed up with Haye. I just saw them both when I walked into the building and said, 'you two are mad as hatters,' and they started laughing. This is business and pleasure.

Live Fight Night International

I think it could be the best move for Dereck, because Haye's training regime is ridiculous. Dereck's commitment when it comes to that, there's no cutting corners there.

David Haye explains how he became Dereck Chisora's manager

It should suit Dereck down to the ground. He's smart enough, business savvy enough to put all the bad things to one side. This is business. Regardless of whether they are friends or not, it works for both of them. Dereck has now got someone who has worked at world title level.

I actually think this fight becomes a lot harder for Dillian, and a lot more dangerous. Dereck has somebody behind him that knows every trick in the book.
Johnny Nelson

We'll see a completely different physical beast in Dereck Chisora. I actually think this fight becomes a lot harder for Dillian, and a lot more dangerous. Dereck has somebody behind him that knows every trick in the book.


Hearn: Chisora front-runner for Whyte

Dereck Chisora still the front-runner to face Dillian Whyte in December, says promoter Eddie Hearn

Haye knows how to get a fighter to a certain level, and you're now going to see a Dereck that's got strength, got tactics, got boxing ability. I'm not going to say he's going to turn into Muhammad Ali. What I'm saying is - you've got a fighter who all of a sudden might be rejuvenated again.

Dillian Whyte and Chisora have been discussing a rematch

For this fight, I wouldn't be surprised if Dereck equalled the result and got revenge after this has happened. It's now about his discipline and desire.

Also See:

Dillian Whyte will not be happy. All of a sudden, his two enemies have become friends to plot against him. But Dillian fights with a chip on his shoulder and will say 'alright then, if that's what we're doing, bring it on!'

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