Cleveland Browns deny wanting to offer Condoleezza Rice head coach interview

Image: Condoleezza Rice served as Secretary of State from 2005 to 2009

Cleveland Browns have denied a report they are interested in interviewing Condoleezza Rice for their vacant head coach position.

Browns general manager John Dorsey said last week that he was open to hiring a woman as Cleveland's head coach, with ESPN reporting the former Secretary of State was on their wishlist.

She would have become the first woman to interview for an NFL head-coaching job.

Responding to the claims, Dorsey said: "Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is a great leader, possesses the highest possible character and also happens to be a Browns fan.

"I have the utmost respect and admiration for all she's accomplished and was honoured to meet her for the first time earlier this season.


"Our coaching search will be thorough and deliberate, but we are still in the process of composing the list of candidates and Secretary Rice has not been discussed."

Rice, 64, is a lifelong Browns fan and attends some of their games at the FirstEnergy Stadium.

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She also posted on Facebook on Sunday "she's not ready to coach" and she would "like to call a play or two next season if the Browns have ideas".

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