WWE SmackDown: Daniel Bryan reveals Roman Reigns' attacker

By Abel Morton

Daniel Bryan and Rowan look to pay their debt to The Big Dog by revealing the man behind the recent attacks

Daniel Bryan revealed to Roman Reigns who he believes has been attacking Reigns - with the revelation still far from clear-cut.

Last week on SmackDown, Bryan promised Reigns that this week he would reveal to him who has been attacking him for countless weeks in an attempt to clear Rowan's name.

Bryan and Rowan unveiled to Reigns a man who was spitting image of Rowan, much to Reigns' surprise.

Image: Elias defeated Kevin Owens in the first-round of the King of the Ring tournament with the help of Shane McMahon

McMahon screws Owens out of King of the Ring

It seems that the personal rivalry between Shane McMahon and Kevin Owens is far from over. Owens was in first-round action against Elias in the King of the Ring tournament when in the middle of the contest, Shane McMahon made his way to ringside.


Now having to focus on Elias and also worrying about the possible intervention of McMahon at ringside, the odds proved to be too much for Owens as McMahon took matters into his own hands and made himself an official - revealing his referee's shirt to a dismayed Owens.

As Owens went for his Stunner finishing move, Elias managed to reverse the move and in doing so, Owens was face-to-face with McMahon for a split second before Elias rolled-up Owens which allowed McMahon to deliver a ridiculously fast three-count.

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Elsewhere Andrade advanced into the next round of the King of the Ring tournament with victory over Apollo Crews thanks to El Ídolo's business associate, Zelina Vega.

During the closing stages of the match, Vega grabbed Andrade's leg preventing Crews from dragging his lifeless body into the centre of the ring and finishing him off.

That momentary interference by Vega, gave Andrade enough time to recover and deliver the Hammerlock DDT on a distracted Crews for the win.

Kofi Kingston confronts Randy Orton and The Revival after The Viper once again mentions the WWE Champion’s family

Kingston gets even with Orton

WWE champion Kofi Kingston was finally able to get some retribution on Randy Orton and The Revival, following countless attacks on himself and The New Day in recent weeks.

Orton opened up SmackDown by gloating about the recent brutal beatings that he and The Revival have dished out on The New Day.

Orton went on to explain why Kingston in his eyes is "stupid" - stating the reason why Kingston "ran away" from a fight against him at SummerSlam in front of Kingston's wife and kids was because he is stupid.

Kingston had heard enough. Taking a page out of Orton's book, Kingston blindsided Orton and hit The Viper with Trouble in Paradise. An infuriated Kingston then went for a steel chair.

He then placed Orton's leg into it and just when he was about to come crashing down on Orton from the turnbuckle, The Revival came to Orton's rescue.

It turned out not to be a wise decision from The Revival as Kingston decimated both Dawson and Wilder with the steel chair as Orton rolled to the outside.
