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Cole Beasley and Gabriel Davis to miss final Buffalo Bills preseason game after Covid-19 exposure

Cole Beasley, Gabriel Davis, Star Lotulelei, A.J. Klein and Matt Milano will have to miss five days with the Buffalo Bills because of the NFL's new rules for unvaccinated players; five players were deemed close contacts of trainer who tested positive for Covid-19

Cole Beasley, Buffalo Bills
Image: Cole Beasley has been outspoken in his opposition to the coronavirus vaccine

Buffalo Bills wide receivers Cole Beasley and Gabriel Davis are set to spend time away from the team after being deemed close contracts of a training staff member who has tested positive for Covid-19.

Veteran defensive tackle Star Lotulelei was also sent home after being exposed, as well as linebackers A.J. Klein and Matt Milano.

All the players have tested negative per reports, but are in the league's 're-entry process' for the next five days because they are unvaccinated.

Vaccinated players who are exposed can continue practicing as long as they return negative tests, but the five players will instead miss the week of practice and the team's final preseason game against the Green Bay Packers on Saturday.

The trainer, who has not been identified, was fully vaccinated, according to ESPN.

Beasley has been vocal in his opposition to getting the vaccine, recently releasing an anti-vaccine rap song.

The Bills begin their 2021/22 campaign by hosting the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday, September 12.

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Covid rules mix-up costs Newton practice time

Cam Newton (AP)
Image: Cam Newton was recently forced to go through the NFL's five-day re-entry process for unvaccinated players

New England Patriots quarterback Cam Newton will not be able to practice with the team until Thursday because of a mix-up over the NFL's updated Covid-19 regulations.

Newton, with the backing of the Patriots, left the New England area to attend a medical appointment on Saturday and continued to provide negative daily tests for Covid-19.

But a Patriots statement read: "Due to a misunderstanding about tests conducted away from NFL facilities, and as required by the NFL-NFLPA protocols, Cam will be subject to the five-day entry cadence process before returning to the facility.

"Cam will continue participating virtually in team activities and return to the club on Thursday, August 26."

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