Arthur: I've nothing to prove

Image: Arthur: Ready for Cook

Alex Arthur already considers himself a genuine world champion as he prepares to face Nicky Cook.

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Edinburgh fighter ready for Cook scrap

Alex Arthur already considers himself a genuine world champion as he prepares to defend his WBO super-featherweight title against Nicky Cook. The 30-year-old Scot will make defend his crown at Manchester's MEN Arena on September 6. Arthur will be fighting for the first time since being installed as champion in the wake of Joan Guzman's decision to move up to the lightweight division. However, the Edinburgh boxer insists he has nothing to prove and that he is worthy of the belt. Arthur said: "I definitely feel I earned the place [after] the fight with Koba Gogoladze. "I got the horrible job of stepping in to fight him, so I feel that was my title victory. "I beat a former Olympic medallist and a virtually unbeaten pro when I took him on. I still feel I won the title that night."

Battle of Britain

The fight is being billed as a battle of Britain, with Cook hailing from Essex. Both men have suffered only one defeat in careers approaching 30 fights, with Cook's sole loss coming in his previous world title bid. Last July's loss to WBO featherweight Steven Luevano proved a painful lesson as Cook struggled to make the weight. Cook said: "I'm grateful for a second chance at a world title. "Obviously, I came unstuck during my first title fight due to weight problems. "I can guarantee I'll be a lot stronger." The Arthur-Cook bout will top a bill which includes Amir Khan, and Arthur - who is being trained by Wayne McCullough - is predicting a potential classic. "I think you get fights like this abroad, with two Mexicans facing off against each other, or even two Americans," he said. "I think it's got that kind of element: it's Scotland versus England. "We both want it as much as each other and I think it could end up being a bit of a classic." Cook added: "I wouldn't be taking the fight if I wasn't confident of winning. "Whatever Alex can throw at me, I'm sure I'll be throwing back twice as much. I've just got all the tools there to match him. "It's not going to be a walk in the park - it's going to be a great fight." Arthur believes Cook could prove his toughest opponent yet and has trained accordingly. He said: "I don't know if I've quite prepared for a fight and taken things to the extreme that I kind of have for this particular fight."