Glamorgan preview

By Andy Charles

Image: Petersen: new captain

After a near-miss in 2010, Glamorgan will be looking to secure promotion to Division One this season.

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Last season

The Dragons were bang there in the race for the second Division Two promotion place all the way into the final week of the campaign. Ultimately, drawing their last three Championship games would come back to haunt them as the fell five points shy of Worcestershire, who stormed past by beating champions Sussex in the final set of games. There were plenty of success stories for a county that had struggled for years, although it was the strength of their bowling that would really be the headline story. James Harris came of age and earned an England Lions place with 63 wickets, avoiding for the most part the injuries that afllicted his teenage years. James Allenby, in a fine all-round season, Dean Cosker and David Harrison provided capable support with the ball and Mark Cosgrove excelled with the bat in his final full-time season for now. The one-day game is probably worth glossing over, with just eight wins in 28 games across the 40 and 20-over games - only Cosgrove and the evergreen Robert Croft performed even adequately.

Ins and outs

The off-season proved one of tumult in Cardiff, but despite all of the changes off the field the Dragons playing squad is probably the one thing that was not harmed too much. Coach Matthew Maynard and his son Tom, a promising batsman, as well as skipper James Dalrymple all departed during a huge internal row over the signing of South African Alviro Petersen, who was also named captain. Petersen is talked of as one of the most composed batsmen in South Africa, although his first-class average of under 40 is not awe-inspiring. Cosgrove will be back for the Twenty20 season, but it will probably be the four-day game in which the Dragons will perform best given their ultra-consistent attack which is also boosted by the variety of left-armer Graham Wagg, an excellent signing. The addition of Stewart Walters is a shrewd one, giving them another option to open the innings, after his exit from Surrey where he was definitely under-utilised in the four-day game.

Summer forecast

Glamorgan have emerged from a stormy winter with plenty to prove on the field. The Welsh county certainly have nothing to fear in a weak Division Two and if a slow start can be avoided - they have injury worries over Allenby and Harrison already - there is every chance they could go at least one better and secure a Division One place. Their one-day prospects again look fairly bleak but, let's be honest, they can't get much worse in the white-ball formats.

One to watch... James Harris

The seamer is well and truly established in terms of county cricket, but he could be the difference-maker for Glamorgan this season and looks a good bet to top the wicket-taking league. The Dragons' biggest worry could be more progress seeing him join the England senior set-up.