Fernando Alonso apologises for Lewis Hamilton 'idiot' rant and insists F1 rival is a 'legend'

Fernando Alonso called Lewis Hamilton an 'idiot' after their crash at the Belgian GP but apologises and says comments were "in heat of the moment"; Watch Dutch GP all live on Sky Sports F1 this weekend, with Sunday's race at 2pm

By Matt Morlidge in Zandvoort

Fernando Alonso says he will apologise to Lewis Hamilton for comments he made about his driving in Spa and stated he has 'huge respect' for the seven-time world champion.

Fernando Alonso has apologised for his comments about Lewis Hamilton after their Belgian GP crash, insisting the Mercedes driver is a "legend".

The pair also reconciled in the Dutch GP paddock on Thursday, with Alonso collecting a signed Hamilton cap in a show of respect.

After Hamilton turned in on Alonso at the start of Sunday's race and launched into the air, Alonso called his former team-mate an "idiot" on team radio and said he "only knows how to drive and start in first".

Sky Sports F1's Martin Brundle said in his column this week that Alonso's jibe was "inaccurate and unfair".

Speaking ahead of this weekend's Dutch GP, Alonso said he regretted the outburst and offered an apology to Hamilton, who he called a "champion" and a "legend of our time".


"When you say something - and I'm sorry to repeat this - against a British driver, there is a huge media involvement after that," said Alonso.

Fernando Alonso is furious with Lewis Hamilton as he causes a collision at the Belgian GP.

"If you say something to a Latin driver, everything's a little bit more fun. But when you say something to others, it's a little bit more serious.

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"But yes, I apologise. I was not thinking what I said."

The multiple world champions were battling for third and fourth place for Spa into Turn 5 before the collision, after which Hamilton was forced to retire while Alonso eventually finished fifth in the Alpine.

Fernando Alonso followed up his radio rant against Lewis Hamilton by furiously wagging his finger at the British driver following their crash at the Belgian Grand Prix.

"I don't think there was much to blame in that moment looking at the replays because it's a first-lap incident and we are all very close to each other," explained Alonso.

"The heat of the moment and the adrenaline of the moment, finally fighting for top two, top three, made me say those comments that I should not say."

Image: Hamilton and Alonso made up later on Thursday in the Zandvoort paddock

Asked if he believed Hamilton could not drive anywhere other than first, as he suggested last weekend, he added: "No, no, no, I don't believe [that]. It's not even that I believe or don't believe, there are facts that it is not that way.

"I have huge respect."

Lewis Hamilton has hailed Red Bull's car this season after Max Verstappen's dominant victory in Belgium at the last race.

Alonso said he hoped to apologise to Hamilton in person later on Thursday.

"Hopefully when we are doing the TV pen I will approach him and say sorry if he understood in that way.

"I have absolutely no problems with him."

Speaking to reporters after Alonso, Hamilton said: "This is not a thing for me," he said. "it doesn't really affect me in the slightest.

"For me I'm always trying to be a better driver and also I know as well there are a lot of young kids that are following me."
