NFL considering options ahead of season start

Schedule expected to be released by May 9 - but Commissioner non-committal amid coronavirus uncertainty

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell refused to be drawn on the start of the new NFL season despite Free Agency and the Draft continuing as planned

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says the league are prepared to look at alternatives despite hoping to play the 2020 season as planned.

Ahead of Thursday night's virtual Draft, forced into living rooms and basements across the United States amid the coronavirus pandemic, Goodell spoke with the host broadcasters ESPN.

Sport across the globe is on hold and with no certainty about when it will return and when fans, stadiums and players will be able to play their part.

The Commissioner stopped short of saying the 2020 NFL season will begin on time, and refused to be drawn on the prospect of games taking place in empty stadiums.

"We are going to be prepared, obviously, to play as planned, but we are also going to be prepared and look at alternatives," he said.


"Right now, it is too early to speculate on anything specific that we'd be focusing on. We've still got 3 1/2 months before we kick off (pre-season). So, I think what we're going to do is obviously help be part of the solution.

"Try to help get our economy back, our country back."

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Despite obvious limitations, the NFL has continued with the start of the new league year with Free Agency and the Draft providing headlines and a welcome distraction for many.

"I just believe that our job is to continue on, and to operate within whatever guidelines are necessary to keep our personnel safe," he said.

"But we also need to carry on. We need to move towards the future, we need to make sure that we're prepared when we come out of this to be in position to start our season on time and to play our season - that's our role."

Free agency and the lead-up to the draft were conducted without the typical in-person meetings with players and prospects. League and team offices have been shut down and virtual offseason programs are being implemented.

How the NFL will begin to "re-open" will depend on how the pandemic progresses, and Goodell declined to speculate on when players might return to work. The first order of business is getting league and team facilities open, which will require working on the state level and "collectively" with all 32 franchises.

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"The one thing I've always learned, and I think it's been evident in the past few weeks, is that it's difficult to predict the future," said Goodell.

"Particularly in this kind of environment. None of us could have made a realistic expectation about what was going to happen over the last 60 days if you look back three or four months ago."

"We'll see how we recover. But we want to be part of that process, we want to be part of the recovery.

"Sports are an important industry, and we think that the NFL plays an important role in that. And we're going to do it responsibly."

Goodell is confident that the NFL has done its part to put public safety first.

"It's an unknown environment, and when there's uncertainty, that's difficult sometimes," he said. "But I believe the NFL has always played a really, really important role in helping us get through some of these things."

Coverage of days two and three of the NFL Draft continues on Sky Sports Action on Friday and Saturday night - join us for build-up from 10pm on Friday with the picks underway at 1am
