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Government urged to rethink sport lockdown plans by sporting bodies and charities

New coronavirus measures means golf courses, tennis courts, gyms and leisure centres will close on Thursday; Golf England to challenge Government decision as online petition receives more than 100,000 signatures; ukactive stress importance of sport to mental wellbeing

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UK Active chief executive Huw Edwards says the government needs to reconsider the decision to close down gyms and leisure centres this month

The Government has been urged to rethink plans to close sports facilities as part of new coronavirus lockdown restrictions.

Stricter measures are set to come into force from Thursday in an effort to limit the spread of the virus, and will include indoor and outdoor sports facilities such as golf courses, tennis courts, leisure centres and gyms being ordered to close.

The restrictions are initially set to remain in place until December 2, but Cabinet minister Michael Gove said on Sunday they could be extended.

England Golf has confirmed plans to challenge the decision and an online petition to make golf courses exempt from venues required to shut received more than 100,000 signatures in a matter of hours, meaning it will be considered for debate by Parliament.

"Just last week alone we saw the busiest week we've ever had on our help line and 60 per cent of people have said their mental health has been affected because they can't do their usual sport," said Hayley Jarvis, Head of Sport at the mental health charity MIND.

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Hayley Jarvis, the head of sport at the mental health charity MIND, explains the impact a second lockdown could have on people's mental health and lives

"We are incredibly worried about the impact this lockdown will have. The first one impacted all of us in mental health terms and it's important we get really clear guidance out.

"We're calling for a winter mental health package in which the Government would invest in front line services. It's important we do whatever we can within the current restrictions."

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In a statement, ukactive said: "We are deeply concerned that gyms and leisure facilities are closing again in England in the newly announced lockdown.

Image: Golf courses are to be closed in England for four weeks

"We urge the Prime Minister to ensure comprehensive financial support for the health and fitness sector is available to help it survive this period, minimising the now grave threat to further business failure and significant job losses.

Our sector is essential to the battle with COVID-19 directly supporting the nation's health, wellbeing and resilience. Local community health services including gyms and leisure centres should be accessible, even with tightened restrictions.

"Loss of access to these facilities will damage activity levels significantly, as proven by the recent Sport England analysis that showed a significant drop in activity levels in the first lockdown."

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