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Donald Trump: Re-live new US President starring at WWE WrestleMania

Trump shaved Vince McMahon's head in Detroit in 2007

WrestleMania 23 - Donald Trump
Image: Donald Trump shaves Vince McMahon's head at WrestleMania 23

Donald Trump has defeated Hillary Clinton in the race to The White House - having beaten WWE Chairman Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 23 in 2007!

The newly-elected President of the United States battled McMahon in a hair-versus-hair match at WWE's premier event nearly a decade ago.

WWE - WrestleMania 23 - Donald Trump and Vince McMahon
Image: Trump takes down rival McMahon

Trump was represented in the ring by Bobby Lashley, while McMahon chose Umaga to fight for him in a bout dubbed 'The Battle of the Billionaires'.

Lashley won the contest for Trump, who then took much delight in shaving McMahon's head - but the businessman's joy was short-lived when he was Stunnered by referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin moments later!

WWE - Donald Trump
Image: Trump was sucker-punched by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin after this photo

Trump has had a long-standing affiliation with WWE - his casino in New Jersey hosted WrestleMania IV and V in the 1980s, while he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame's Celebrity Wing in 2013.

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WWE and politics have mixed before, though - Jesse "The Body" Ventura served as Governor of Minnesota between 1999 and 2003, while Vince's wife, Linda McMahon, has twice run for Senate in Connecticut.

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