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Indian Open flashback: Rashid Khan putts his way out of trouble ... from a bunker!

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Rashid Khan makes an unusual up and down out of the bunker at the Hero Indian Open using only his putter!

Great par saves from greenside bunkers invariably involve an explosion of sand followed by a good solid putt, but it is tough to recall a professional golfer starting with a putt from the bunker!

During the closing stages of the Hero Indian Open last year, home player Rashid Khan prompted a few raised eyebrows when, after sizing up his options from the sand trap to the left of the 17th green, he pulled out the short stick.

Perhaps he was put off by the compact nature of the sand in the bunker, or perhaps he had damaged his sand wedge. Or maybe he had shanked an earlier bunker escape?

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Whatever the case, the unusual tactic paid off as putted his ball up the lip of the bunker and through the fringe before it came to rest seven feet beyond the hole, and the return putt was never in doubt as it dropped in the centre of the cup.

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Watch the video at the top of the page to see one of the most amazing sand saves caught on camera in a European Tour event ...

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