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WWE: Diana Hart on her book, Natalya and Harry Smith

Bret Hart's sister gives her take on current wrestling landscape

Image: Natalya competes in WWE's Divas division

With the legendary Stu Hart as a father, Bret Hart as a brother and the late Davey Boy Smith aka The British Bulldog as a husband, Diana Hart was always going to have plenty of wrestling tales to tell.

So it comes as no surprise that Hart has put pen to paper and produced Cauliflower Heart, the first book in a trilogy of grappling novels.

In an interview with Sky Sports, the Canadian discusses her motivation for writing as well as the career developments of her niece Natalya and son Harry, either inside or outside of WWE…

Hi Diana. Why did you decide to write Cauliflower Heart?

DIANA HART:  I think because I was detached from wrestling. I started writing at the time my son Harry [who performed as DH Smith] left WWE. I always had an affiliation with wrestling, even when Davey and my dad, Stu, passed away, but that changed a bit when Harry moved on. I was a bit homesick in Florida and wanted to be back as a part of it, so that's when I decided to write. It helped me get back a bit of my old life. It was an emotional experience as I got so wrapped-up in the characters but I think it was good for me to get those feelings out.

Did you find the writing process difficult?

DH: At times I did. It took me about four years to write and at many times it didn't make sense. Even I looked at it and thought: 'Where am I going with this?' I had around 1500 hand-written pages of things I had seen and heard about in wrestling, as well as about make-believe animal characters. It was almost a comedy with a rooster having a feud with a dog and the wrestling promoter being an eagle! But it then transformed into being about people. My protagonist is female but the book is not biased to a female audience and I hope that you don't even have to be a wrestling fan to enjoy it.

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Image: Natalya uses the Sharpshooter as a trademark move

A female protagonist. That's something your niece, Natalya, is becoming in WWE, isn't it?

DH: About time! It bothered me for so long that, in my opinion, she was being wasted or underutilised as she is such a gifted athlete. That's something she gets from her dad, Jim Neidhart, who who could get out of bed and bench press 400lb with a hamburger in his hand! Seriously, though, it's great she is being involved more and getting the credit she deserves.

Natalya has worked ever so hard for her opportunities, hasn't she?

DH: She sure has. She learnt a lot growing up with Harry and Tyson Kidd, who she is now married to, while she has always had heart and drive, something that convinced Tokyo Joe, someone who exclusively trained men, to train her over in Japan. Natalya can wrestle, grapple, be a showman and talk on the microphone, while she is also smart, sensitive, clean living and a great ambassador. I think so much of her and admire her so much.

Harry is away from the WWE spotlight now. How is he doing?

DH: He has gone on to become NWA Tag Team Champion and IWGP Team Champion with his partner Lance Archer, who you may remember as Vance Archer in WWE. Harry is now being billed as Davey Boy Smith, Jr but he is not riding on his father's coattails in any way. He is progressing so fast that I wish I could keep up with him.

"There was nothing for him to really sink his teeth into and I was frustrated. I think they tried to make a silk purse into a sow's ear."
Diana on Harry's WWE days

How would you describe his style?

DH: He has such a passion for grappling, just like my dad did, but he is also great friends with Josh Barnett, a heavyweight in UFC, so he has taken inspiration from him, too. Add in a bit of judo, kickboxing and Muay Thai and he has the lot. He is interested in experiencing every sort of training to help him on his path.

Has he changed much since his WWE tenure?

DH: He has filled out since his WWE days and is about 270lb now, while he is also gaining a reputation as being technically immaculate. You seldom get on the microphone in Japan and have to draw people in with 45-minute matches and that's what he's doing; he's really finding his character. I wish my dad and his dad could see him now and I wish the whole world could see more of him as right now you have to scour the internet for clips.

How do you reflect on Harry's WWE career?

DH: I don't know if WWE really knew what they were doing with him. One day he was in a black vest and a cowboy hat and the next day they wanted him to be doing a running powerslam like his dad. Then they would say: 'We want you to be your own character and wear pink and black'. I never saw someone go through so many character changes, it was like he was in commercials, not wrestling. There was nothing for him to really sink his teeth into and I was frustrated. I think they tried to make a silk purse into a sow's ear.

And finally, what do you think the major differences are between the wrestling you grew up with and the current product?

DH: I don't see a lot of performers winging it or improvising. Years ago, people were interviewed moments after a match and had to come up with something while they were still sweating and the adrenaline was flowing; it felt so organic and spontaneous. I'm not saying there aren't elements of that anymore but there are lots of second chances now with interviews backstage. In ring, meanwhile, some of the manoeuvres I see are unbelievable and so athletic, but I get the feeling fans are waiting for a crazy move rather than watching to see a natural narrative play out.

Cauliflower Heart: A Romantic Wrestler is available now.

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