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Graeme Smith to advise South Africa batsman during England series

Image: Graeme Smith will advise South Africa

Former South African captain Graeme Smith has joined the Proteas squad as an adviser ahead of the second Test with England.

Smith was working as a television commentator during the first Test - which England won by 241 runs - and he was highly critical of the South Africans' batting performance.

He will remain with the squad for the rest of the four-match series.

England beat South Africa in Durban
Image: England beat South Africa in Durban

"Graeme was a wonderful cricketer for South Africa and a wonderful captain," said current captain Hashim Amla, who said he was not upset by Smith's criticism of the team's batting in Durban.

"When you win or lose a cricket game you are either going to be praised or there is criticism," said Amla.

"That's just the nature of international sport. When people criticise the team there's going to be some value in it. You take it on the chin and move on. Wherever there is value that can be added you've got to take it."

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Amla said Smith's experience would be important for South Africa's batsmen, who have managed just three totals of more than 200 in their most recent ten completed innings.

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"Graeme can give guidance to the batters, which he already has today," said Amla. "It is a confidence type of thing. You've got to almost refresh what the processes are that made you successful.

Hashim Amla: made scores of seven and 12 in Durban
Image: Hashim Amla: Made scores of seven and 12 in Durban

"Graeme knows more than most how tough it is to play cricket and how it is to go through tough times.

"Early in his career there were a few crushing defeats and he is well aware of how difficult it is and how important it is for a team to reassess and get back. He's got good know-how about Test cricket and we've got a lot of youngsters who can draw on that." 

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