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Kevin Sinfield announces new challenge to raise funds for MND, the disease affecting great friend Rob Burrow

Kevin Sinfield to run seven ultra-marathons in seven days to raise funds for motor neurone disease; 43-year-old will start in Leeds, then head to Cardiff, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Dublin and Brighton before finishing in London; Sinfield has raised millions for MND since Rob Burrow diagnosis

Kevin Sinfield is running seven marathons in seven days in support of Rob Burrow and the MND Assocation
Image: Kevin Sinfield will run seven ultra-marathons in seven days in December to raise funds for MND

Kevin Sinfield will undertake a new challenge to help those affected by motor neurone disease by running seven ultra-marathons in seven days in December.

Sinfield has raised millions of pounds for MND charities since his former Leeds Rhinos team-mate and great friend Rob Burrow was diagnosed in 2019.

The 43-year-old, currently defence coach of the England men's rugby union team, will start in Leeds on December 1.

He will then head to Cardiff, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Dublin and Brighton before finishing in London on December 7, when he runs from Twickenham Stadium to The Mall.

Sinfield will run 27.2 miles a day - full marathon length plus an extra mile to show how people can always do even more to help friends needing support.

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Sinfield says carrying Rob Burrow over the finish line at the Leeds Marathon was 'really, really special'

This will be Sinfield's fourth fundraiser, with the former Rhinos man telling the BBC: "I did say last year that the Ultra 7 in 7 would complete the trilogy, but there was always that caveat that Rocky 4 was my favourite Rocky film."

'It's the money that makes a difference if we are going to find a cure'

"For the MND community, every second counts and we will be making the most of every step on this challenge to raise awareness, funds and support for that community.

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"The MND community have always given us incredible support and we wanted to find a way we could show that support for more people around the country."

Sinfield added to Sky News: "It's the money that makes a difference if we are going to find a cure. As we saw with Covid-19, if you throw enough money at something then you will find a cure.

"When one of your best mates is given the diagnosis Rob got, you have a choice whether to stand shoulder to shoulder or you don't. I felt it was really important to help. I think the world of him.

"What's become clear is the fight and spirit that I knew Rob had is shown more than ever. I don't think he will understand the inspiration he has given me and the real perspective he has given me on what is truly important in life."

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Sinfield and Burrow have written a book, With You Every Step, reflecting on their friendship and providing lessons for others on love, support and connection

The charities supported by this latest challenge include the Rob Burrow Centre for MND in Leeds.

Donations will also go to the My Name'5 Doddie Foundation, the Irish MND Association, the Darby Rimmer MND Foundation, and the 4ED campaign, with the latter supporting former Leicester rugby union player Ed Slater.

Slater, who also represented Gloucester and Nottingham, was diagnosed with MND in 2022.

Burrow hopes book can highlight importance of friendship

Sinfield and Burrow have written a book, With You Every Step, reflecting on their friendship and hope it can inspire others.

Picture by Allan McKenzie/ - 05/12/2020 - Rugby League - Kevin Sinfield 7 in 7, Leeds, England - Rob Burrow with his family in Leeds to see a mural of himself painted on the wall on the Leeds University Student's building.
Image: Rob Burrow: 'I am hoping the book will appeal to young boys in particular to show that friendships can be based on love and vulnerability'

Burrow said: "I wanted to do this book with Kevin to highlight the importance of friendship and show that there are many ways to be strong.

"I am hoping the book will appeal to young boys in particular to show that friendships can be based on love and vulnerability.

"I used to love reading stories to my three young children and I hope this book will give them an insight into what true friendship is.

"Kev was my captain and he still is my captain. He always will be. We played together for years, sat next to each other in the dressing room. We went through the highs and lows of rugby league.

Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield
Image: Burrow and Sinfield played together for Leeds Rhinos

"The highs were amazing but he always looked after us and here he is still looking after us. He doesn't like fuss and he won't like me saying it but he puts his body on the line every time he steps up to start a challenge.

Sinfield added: "We think there is some really important messaging in there about looking after each other, caring for each other. That's the great thing about being a human being.

"If we can help people along the way, to have something similar to what Rob and I have, then the world is a far better place."

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