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State of Mind wins award

State of Mind award 2014
Image: State of Mind award 2014

State of Mind, Rugby Leagues’s Mental Health and Wellness initiative along with Sky TV presenters Angela Powers and Brian Carney, this week received a prestigious national award for their positive coverage of mental health issues at a glittering ceremony in London.

The annual Mind Media Awards celebrate the best and most powerful media portrayals and reporting of mental health issues.

Angela’s feature highlighted ex England player Danny Sculthorpe’s struggle following his career ending injuries and how Paul Wood had overcome his mental health issues,

Brian’s focus was on St Helens legend Harry Pinner, who described his problems associated with retirement from the game he graced and loved.

The judges commended the innovative, insightful approach of telling real life stories, which eloquently dispelled myths about mental distress and informed the public in a way they could relate to.

Paul Farmer, Mind’s Chief Executive, had earlier commended Rugby League and State of Mind for their committed and creative campaigning approach to raising awareness, shaping attitudes and tackling stigma.  He commented that “State of Mind both educates and points to where support is available when the need is greatest” He also asserted, “The game of rugby leagues partnership approach and involvement of current and ex players is exemplary and is a superb model for other sports to emulate”.

Malcolm Rae OBE, State of Mind’s Programme Director, praised the consistent inspirational support of Angela and Brian and their Sky TV colleagues.  He also paid tribute to Danny Sculthorpe, Paul Wood and Harry Pinner for publically sharing their personal, having it tough, experiences and how they had sought advice which proved to be beneficial.

He added “State of Mind was established following the tragic death of Terry Newton.  Our mission is to give the same emphasis to mental health as that given to physical health and to prevent similar unnecessary loss of life”.

“It’s heartening to receive National Awards and we are very grateful for the support we receive from talented media professionals and the many current and ex players players, who willingly give their time in supporting our campaign”.

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