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Wimbledon prize money rise

knee celebration ladies Wimbledon final
Image: Cash bonus: Serena Williams could be celebrating a huge pay cheque this July

The 2011 singles champions at Wimbledon will be greeted by record levels of prize money.

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Singles chamions to receive record £1.1m

The 2011 singles champions at Wimbledon will be greeted by record levels of prize money, the All England Club has announced. The champions of the two singles events will each receive a record £1.1m, up £100,000 on 2010, out of a total prize fund of £14.6m. Roger Federer will go into the tournament looking to dethrone Rafael Nadal while, on the women's side, Serena Williams will chase a hat-trick should she return to fitness. Philip Brook, chairman of the All England Club and the The Championships, said: "Leading international sports events such as Wimbledon are all about the quality of the players on show. "In the competitive world of top level sport, it is important we offer prize money which suitably rewards the players for the box office appeal they bring to the event and for their supreme performances on court." There will be other changes this year with the unveiling of the new courts three and four, moves which will increase capacity by 1,000 to 38,500. And the new court three will become the fourth on the complex to boast Hawkeye technology.

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