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Stormers centre Huw Jones added to Scotland squad

Huw Jones in action for the Stormers last month
Image: Huw Jones in action for the Stormers last month

Scotland have added South Africa-based Huw Jones to their squad for this summer's tour of Japan.

This will be the 22-year-old's first involvement with the Scotland camp.

Born in Edinburgh, Jones currently plays for the Stormers in Super Rugby and has a preferred position of centre but can also play on the wing and at full-back.

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Jones was educated at Millfield before attending the University of Cape Town. He joins Vern Cotter's 27-man squad after Glasgow stand-off Finn Russell pulled out with a head injury.

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The Scotland newcomer was educated in Somerset but his rugby career took off on a gap-year trip to South Africa in 2012.

He stayed on and helped the University of Cape Town win the Varsity Cup in 2014, and has since made 21 appearances for the Stormers.

Jones said: "I'm delighted to get this opportunity to play for Scotland. It's a dream come true.

"I didn't go out to South Africa with the intention of becoming a professional rugby player but, as my career progressed, it became more of a realistic goal to play for Scotland.

"The call came as a bit of a surprise but I'm thrilled and can't wait to get to Edinburgh next month and play my part in an exciting squad."

Cotter, added: "We're pleased to welcome Huw into the group and look forward to him deepening the competition in an already well-contested area of our squad." Scotland face Japan on June 18 and 25.

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