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UKAD welcomes documentary examining Sir Mo Farah's former coach Alberto Salazar

Mo Farah (right), pictured with his former coach Alberto Salazar (centre) and USA's Galen Rupp (left) during London 2012
Image: Mo Farah (right), pictured with his former coach Alberto Salazar (centre) and the USA's Galen Rupp (left) during the London 2012 Oympics

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) say they would 'welcome the opportunity' to examine any fresh evidence uncovered by the BBC during a Panorama investigation into Sir Mo Farah's banned former coach Alberto Salazar.

A Panorama documentary which aired on Monday night claimed Farah repeatedly denied receiving an injection of a controversial supplement ahead of the 2014 London Marathon when questioned by investigators the following year, before later changing his account.

The documentary revealed that Farah was interviewed by investigators from the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) in 2015 as part of its probe into his former coach Alberto Salazar - and asked whether he had been given L-carnitine before the previous year's London Marathon.

Farah was tested six days after that race and the BBC reported that, despite listing a number of other products and medicines, he failed to record L-carnitine on his doping control form.

In transcripts obtained by the BBC, Farah denies having been given the injection in the initial 2015 interview with USADA.

Panorama reported that he then met with UK Athletics' head of distance running, Barry Fudge, immediately after the interview and returned to the interview room, as the investigators were preparing to leave.

Nike campus on April 13, 2013 in Beaverton, Oregon.
Image: Salazar was given a four-year ban from athletics in October 2019

At this point, Farah told them he had been given the injection.

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Excerpts from a legal letter from Farah's lawyers to the BBC, which have been seen by the PA news agency, read: "Mr Farah understood the question one way and as soon as he left the room he asked Mr Fudge and immediately returned... to clarify and it is plain the investigators were comfortable with this explanation.

"It is not against [World Anti-Doping Agency] rules to take L-carnitine as a supplement within the right quantities.

"Mr Farah... is one of the most tested athletes in the UK, if not the world, and has been required to fill in numerous doping forms.

"He is a human being and not a robot.

"That is relevant... if in fact something was missed from the form. Interviews are not memory tests."

Nicole Sapstead, UK Anti-Doping CEO, said: "We watched BBC's Panorama programme with interest, and would welcome the opportunity to review any additional material that Panorama have acquired during the course of its investigation.

"We thank the Panorama team for their efforts. The programme is another example of the importance of investigative journalism regarding integrity matters in sport.

"UKAD supported USADA with their investigation into the Nike Oregon Project. We believe USADA's investigation was extensive and robust.

"If anyone has information that could be of interest to UKAD and its investigations on any matter, we urge them to contact us."

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