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Coronavirus: Denver Broncos vs New England Patriots postponed again

The rearranged fixture between Denver and New England will now take place in Week 6 on October 18

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Image: Denver Broncos and New England Patriots' clash was originally moved to Monday but has now been postponed again

The NFL have confirmed that Monday's game between the Denver Broncos and New England Patriots has been postponed again after another positive coronavirus test.

It comes after another member of the New England Patriots was confirmed as having tested positive in the latest round of testing that took place on Saturday.

As a precautionary measure, the NFL instructed the Patriots to close their facility again - the third shutdown in a week following news that quarterback Cam Newton and defensive back Stephon Gilmore had tested positive.

The league has since confirmed the postponed fixture between Denver and New England will now take place next week on Sunday, October 18 at 1pm eastern time.

A statement said: "Following the postponement of the Week 5 Denver Broncos at New England Patriots game, the NFL announced today the following schedule changes:

"The Denver Broncos at New England Patriots game will be played in Week 6 on Sunday, October 18 at 1pm ET.

"The Kansas City Chiefs at Buffalo Bills Week 6 game moves from Thursday, October 15 to Monday, October 19 at 5:00 pm ET.

Also See:

"The New York Jets at Miami Dolphins game moves from Week 10 to Week 6 at 4:05pm ET.

"The New York Jets at Los Angeles Chargers game moves from Week 6 to Week 11 on Sunday, November 22 at 4:05pm ET

"The Jacksonville Jaguars at Los Angeles Chargers game moves from Week 8 to Week 7 on Sunday, October 25 at 4:25pm ET.

"The Los Angeles Chargers at Denver Broncos game moves from Week 11 to Week 8 on Sunday, November 1 at 4:05pm ET.

"The Los Angeles Chargers at Miami Dolphins game moves from Week 7 to Week 10 on Sunday, November 15 at 4:05pm ET.

The Miami Dolphins at Denver Broncos game moves from Week 6 to Week 11 at 4:05pm ET."

Stephon Gilmore is the latest Patriots player to test positive
Image: Stephon Gilmore was one of the Patriots players who tested positive earlier this week

The Patriots previously recorded zero positive tests on Friday and were permitted to practice on Saturday, but the AFC East side are no strangers to having fixtures moved.

Their last game against the Kansas City Chiefs was moved from Sunday to Monday in Week 4 because of positive tests within the organisation.

Meanwhile, coronavirus continues to impact the league's scheduling as a whole, with the Buffalo Bills' clash with the Tennessee Titans already moved to Tuesday, October 13.

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