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Holley lauds awesome Ospreys

Image: Holley (L): Forwards starred

Ospreys coach Sean Holley expressed his satisfaction at a job well done against Italian side Treviso in the Heineken Cup.

Coach delighted with bonus point win

Ospreys coach Sean Holley expressed his satisfaction at a job well done against Italian side Treviso in the Heineken Cup. The Welsh side ran-in five tries for a 36-16 triumph that takes them a point clear of Leicester in Pool 5 - although the Tigers take on Perpignan on Sunday. Three early scores killed off the opposition and Holley was delighted especially as skipper Ryan Jones and Gavin Henson were absent. "We have got the result and performance we wanted so we will just have to wait and see now," he said. "All we want is to have our own destiny in our own hands. "The idea was to put the pressure on the other two, but either one of them tomorrow can put the pressure back on us. "Treviso are not a bad side and made things difficult for us but the players did exceptionally well to keep their discipline and impose their own game. "We always knew it was going to be a very difficult place to come. "I'm delighted with the players and it shows we are making strides. We are maturing and to come away with five tries in these conditions is really pleasing." Holley reserved particular praise for the forwards, adding: "I thought our they were outstanding. They needed to front up today and Richard Hibbard was outstanding with his ball-carrying and his work-rate. "Ian Gough and Alun Wyn showed the intensity and durability that has given them Wales honours, and Jonathan Thomas is coming back to great form. "Jonathan is a versatile player and one of our leaders. He played well too so it's good news for the Ospreys and Wales."

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