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Geech delighted with win

Image: McGeechan: Delighted

Ian McGeechan hailed his players after the Lions finally beat South Africa in the third and final Test after two narrow defeats.

Head coach pleased to win final Test - but is left to rue what might have been

British and Irish Lions head coach Ian McGeechan was delighted after his side deservedly beat South Africa 28-9 in the final Test in Johannesburg. The Lions ran in three tries as they put narrow defeats in the first two Tests behind them in convincing style. A delighted McGeechan described the win as "massive" but was also left to rue want might have been. He told Sky Sports: "The players were superb. They picked themselves up - the dressing room last week was one I never, ever wanted to be in, such sadness - and to come as they've done this week and play like that again, (an) outstanding group of players."


Asked if being two-nil down in the series liberated his players, he replied: "No - I think we tried to play in all three games and I think we've probably had the better of probably four of the six halves that we've played. "I was worried that they wouldn't play or we might go into our shells a bit but we didn't and we scored some very good tries today." He agreed the win threw into sharper focus just how close the Lions had come to winning the series. "I think the disappointment still is that we could have been coming into this one, one-nil, two-nil up, I think the games have been like that," said the head coach.
Slightly secondary
"So to finish off the way we've done is satisfaction but, yes, it is slightly secondary satisfaction because we came here to win the Test series and we haven't managed that." McGeechan thought it would be his last Lions' involvement and he was pleased to end on a high. "(I'm) just highly delighted with the whole effort of everybody and the performance today. "I thought it was absolutely outstanding, to a man."

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