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Graham Rowntree to coach Georgia pack as they prepare for World Cup

Graham Rowntree, Harlequins forwards coach

Former England and Lions coach Graham Rowntree has been named forwards coach for Georgia.

The 47-year-old will hold the post for a period which includes next year's World Cup in Japan.

Rowntree was a loosehead prop for Leicester and England as a player, earning 54 international caps and playing at two World Cups.

He went on to coach the England pack - and also went on the 2013 and 2017 Lions tours as forwards coach.

He subsequently had a spell at Harlequins but left in the summer.

Georgia are among the global game's less established nations but they consistently field hard-nosed packs capable of mixing it with any opposition and have a conveyor belt of rugged props.

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"I've not felt like this before about a role. Obviously this is the most excited I've been for any role - as an Englishman coaching the Georgian forward pack," Rowntree said.

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"But I've been a fan of Georgian forwards play for a long time and I could not miss the opportunity to be associated with such a forward pack.

"I hope to get the best out of them with such a big year coming up."

Georgia have been drawn in Pool D for next year's Rugby World Cup alongside Australia, Wales, Fiji and Uruguay

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