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DAVID GINOLA has caused a stir again with more revelations from his upcoming autobiography, this time aimed at Alan Shearer and Kevin Keegan.

Ginola claims that Alan Shearer conspired with Kenny Dalglish to force him out of Newcastle because he was jealous of the skillful wingers' popularity with the Geordie faithful.

"When he arrived in the summer of 1996, he knew that mine was the best selling shirt at Newcastle and I suppose I was a threat to his chances of being the fans' favourite", Ginola said of the former England captain. "His aim was to be the prodigal son, returning to his Geordie homeland, and if he could keep me quiet he knew he would be No.1."

The Aston Villa star then accused Shearer of influencing Dalglish's decision to drop him from the team making it difficult for him to stay at the club.

"If you have the captain of the team and the manager working together against you, then you have no chance," the former French international added.

Ginola, whose book is being serialised in The Daily Mail, then tells of his disappointment at Kevin Keegan's refusal to let him go to Barcelona in his first season at St James' Park. He says Keegan would not let another popular player leave the club so soon after Andy Cole's departure.

"It took a long time for me to come to terms with the fact that one of my dreams had been taken away from me," Ginola said. "I felt like I had been stabbed in the back."

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