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Ollie's 10 in 10 Diary: Christmas jumper appeal and a new sleeping tactic

We travelled 270 miles from London to Hull - cheers to Larry and Mick, the drivers.
Image: We travelled 230 miles from London to Hull - cheers to Larry and Mick, the drivers.

As Jon Bon Jovi once said: "we're halfway there, oooooohhh, living on a bus." Well, five down, five to go.

I'm missing my loved ones - but Kim's thumbs are going a hundred miles an hour on her phone to keep in touch with them all.

The pants situation is fine - I've got 14 pairs - but a quick look at my wardrobe shows I'm now running low on Christmas jumpers. Hopefully Hull City have a few in their club shop.

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If anyone sees the bus and has a spare Christmassy jumper, then please come and say hello. Even if you're wearing something Christmas-related, come and ask for a photo if you see me or the bus, and we'll put them online.

That's the one thing missing from this trip: festive spirit. "Do they know it's Christmas time at all?" No we don't. We've seen plenty of football, but no baubles.

Hull presented me some gifts under the Christmas tree at the KC.
Image: Hull presented me some gifts under the Christmas tree at the KC.

I had a fantastic welcome at QPR. Andy Sinton, one of my old team-mates, was there at the main reception to greet me with a commemorative signed QPR shirt.

I then scampered off for a production meeting and they planned a fantastic shot of me and Scott Minto for the opening credits of us walking from outside the stadium, through the gates and up through the Loft End at Loftus Road. It was quite a complicated take and was over a minute long with us continually walking, but we only needed one as we nailed it. It was great to do something different and the feedback has been great. 

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The game was a feast of football. It had the feeling of a special game with the rain pelting down and the floodlights glistening. It had it all, apart from getting my Sky Bet charity bet right.

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We were so close as we had the woodwork to be hit in the first 10 minutes and Matt Phillips struck the post in the closing stages! I'm desperate to win one of these as the returns would be juicy due to the big odds involved.

Tonight in the Hull v Reading game, I'm going for a substitute to score a goal in the game at 4/1 as both teams have a lot of attacking options from the bench.

After the game, we embarked on a through-the-night trip from London to Hull.

I tried a new tactic in bed to sleep better. Keeping my socks on. My feet get cold in the night and that's what wakes me up. So, I whacked some socks on and it made a huge difference.

I admit, it's not a great look, me completely starkers (oh, yes, I sleep naked - calm down ladies) with just my socks on, but I sweat like a beaver in bed with clothes on (calm down ladies).

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Ian Holloway gives us a tour around the bus

I could have nutted our digital media man, Lewis, this morning. He had a decent kip and he was bouncing around with his cockney accent being all cockney.

He was milking the fact he felt fresh - he was as chirpy as a cricket on a log. But, fair play to him, he went and spoke to the guys on reception to wangle us in to use the shower facilities. We met a wonderful fella from the security team called Dave, who took our worries away about not being able to shower and let us into the ground to use Hull City's facilities. Shower, shave, sorted.

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As Hull get ready to face Reading in Sky Sports' 10 in 10 fixtures watch their best five goals of the season so far.

One of my biggest concerns about tonight's game is whether any of my work buddies are going to get their eye taken out by my waistcoat button pinging across the studio. The waistline is expanding.

You want a pie, Ollie? Go on then. Burger, son? Yes please. Oh, throw a biscuit my way will you. The standard and size of the portions we're given by the on-site caterers has been amazing.

Time for a burger (another on) - the waistline is expanding.
Image: Time for a burger (another one) - the waistline is expanding.

We may have to give the crew, Simon Thomas and Peter Beagrie, some police shields as they are in a dangerous situation.

Let's hope they stay safe tonight and we're treated to another fantastic game.

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