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George Boateng praises Irish FA female coaching drive

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George Boateng told Sportswomen he supports the Irish FA's change to allow females onto their next UEFA Pro Licence coaching course

The Irish FA's decision to welcome females onto their next UEFA Pro Licence coaching course has been praised by former Dutch international George Boateng.

Boateng, the ex-Aston Villa and Middlesbrough midfielder, has just completed his UEFA diploma with the Irish FA in Belfast and says women should be encouraged to put themselves forward.

"I think it's great and I'm also open to women managing men's teams in the future," he told Sky Sports News HQ.

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"There shouldn't be any sexism in sport and I believe if a coach is good - regardless of their sex - we should be able to accept that and move on with it.

"Other people have ideas, women will have their own ideas and they are so intelligent so I support this all the way. I think it's fantastic and the IFA should embrace it."

QPR academy coach Manisha Tailor hopes recent initiatives by home nation associations will provide more opportunities for females to coach at the game's elite level.

"I think it's certainly a step forward by the Irish FA in opening their doors to more women potentially becoming pro licence holders," she said.

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Manisha Tailor
Image: Manisha Tailor hopes females will have more opportunities

"The English FA are also encouraging more women to gain UEFA A and B licence qualifications through development targeted programmes and mentoring, illustrating their commitment to seeing more women coaches at the highest level."

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