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World Cup: Michael Garcia and Hans-Joachim Eckert to discuss FIFA bidding report

FIFA ethics prosecutor Michael Garcia delivers a speech during the 64th FIFA congress on June 11, 2014 in Sao Paulo
Image: Michael Garcia: Not satisfied with Hans-Jochim Eckert's interpretation of his report

FIFA's ethics judge Hans-Joachim Eckert will meet Michael Garcia on Thursday to discuss the lawyer's World Cup bidding report.

Garcia has complained to FIFA that his report into the 2018 and 2022 bidding processes was misrepresented in a summary released by Eckert last week.

Eckert concluded that there was no reason to consider stripping Russia or Qatar of host status and made specific criticisms of England's bid to host the 2018 finals.

FA chairman Greg Dyke is among several high-profile figures to demand the release of the report in full, while his predecessor David Bernsten has called for UEFA to consider boycotting the next World Cup.

I have found myself betrayed and denigrated for being courageous enough to come forward with critical information.
Phaedra Almajid

Eckert and Garcia will now discuss the fallout from last week's statement, and in the meantime two whistleblowers who spoke to the American investigator have made formal complaints to FIFA that guarantees of anonymity were not honoured.


Bonita Mersiades, who worked for Australia's 2022 bid, told Sky Sports News HQ on Sunday the investigation was a farce and claimed she had been threatened not to reveal any further details.

And now Phaedra Almajid, who worked for the Qatar 2022 bid team before losing her job in 2010, has joined Mersiades in condemning Eckert's summary.

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In a letter to FIFA, seen by Sky Sports News HQ, she complains about Eckert questioning the credibility of her evidence and claims the German effectively outed her despite assurances she would remain anonymous.

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The Sunday Supplement panel give their take on what Hans-Joachim Eckert's report on the World Cup bidding processes means for FIFA

She says: "Not only was Herr Eckert's summary a crude, cynical and fundamentally erroneous description of me and the information and materials I provided your investigation, it directly breached FIFA's assurances of my confidentiality.

"Although Herr Eckert did not name me in his report, he directly identified me and my information by connecting it to my publicly-reported statements three years ago.

"Confidentiality was crucial to my co-operation with your investigation, considering my personal circumstances, particularly the safety of my two sons and me.

"I have taken great personal risks to stand up for the truth in a highly politicised atmosphere. However I have found myself betrayed and denigrated for being courageous enough to come forward with critical information.

"A culture of silence is rewarded; those who speak out and dare to question the system are not just cast aside, but ironically denied any protection or respect under FIFA's own Code of Ethics."

Almajid told the Mail on Sunday at the weekend she had intially retracted allegations about the Qatar bid after she was threatened with legal action for breaching a confidentiality agreement.

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