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Rodgers asked about Dempsey

Brendan Rodgers has admitted to enquiring as to Clint Dempsey's availabilty and claims Liverpool are not considering sending Andy Carroll out on loan.

Reds boss also says Carroll will not be leaving on loan

Brendan Rodgers has admitted to enquiring as to Clint Dempsey's availability and claims Liverpool are not considering sending Andy Carroll out on loan. A story released on the Reds' owners' official website on Wednesday suggested that a deal had been done, with Fenway Sports Group reporting that Dempsey had agreed a move from Fulham. The piece was quickly pulled and a spokesman for the Cottagers announced that no bids had been received. Rodgers has now given his taken on the situation, with the new boss at Anfield admitting to holding an interest in Dempsey and making an enquiry. He is, however, reluctant to be drawn into a debate regarding a possible transfer for the United States international.


"Clint is a player we've enquired about, it is as simple as that," Rodgers told the club's official website. "Ian Ayre, our managing director, has spoken with the club to see what the position is. That is where we're at. "He's a very talented player but we don't like to talk about other clubs' players." Meanwhile, Rodgers has sought to bring an end to the endless rounds of rumours regarding Carroll's future. Having previously hinted that he would be willing to send the England international out on loan, the Reds boss now says that only permanent deals would be considered for a player he believes could still have a big part to play in his plans.
"There has been a lot written and spoken about him but first and foremost Andy is a Liverpool player," he added. "To consider a loan period for someone the club spent £35million on isn't something we're looking to do at this moment in time. "Andy will be the same as every other player - if there's ever an offer that comes in we'd look at it as a club and see if it's going to be worthwhile for the club and the team as a whole. "The club invested £35million in him. People talk about whether he can fit into my style or not, but if you're a club and you spend £35million on a player you'd like to think he can fit into whatever style the team plays. "He's a good player. He'll join the rest of the group next week and we'll take it from there."

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