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Sir Alex Ferguson paid tribute to Sean Fallon at his funeral on Wednesday

Image: Sir Alex Ferguson: 'I think it's very difficult for people who are successful to remain humble, it's a touch of greatness. Sean always had that greatness'

Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson paid a warm tribute to former Celtic player and coach Sean Fallon at his funeral on Wednesday.

Fifa president Sepp Blatter praised the work Fallon had done in setting up Celtic's youth system, somethiong he says they are still benefitting from today. He told Celtic's official website: "In addition to a successful career as a player for Celtic, Mr Fallon will also be remembered for his great technical knowledge as assistant manager of Celtic during the Jock Stein era, fulfilling a role that is of such vital importance to the game, namely identifying and nurturing young talent. "Youth development work such as that carried out by Mr Fallon to such good effect continues to be important to this day, and he will have been pleased to note the emergence of several young talents in recent years, who have most certainly played their part in Celtic's recent success, most notably in the Champions League. "On behalf of the members of the international football family, I should be extremely grateful if you could extend our deepest condolences to Mr Fallon's family, friends and loved ones."

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