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Rangers want clubs to move on amid calls for titles to be stripped

Rangers believe people need to move on from their tax issues for the benefit of Scottish football
Image: Rangers believe people need to move on from their tax issues for the benefit of Scottish football

Rangers have called for the rest of Scottish football to draw a line under their financial issues and work together for the good of the game there.

There have been calls from fans of other teams to reopen investigations into the Ibrox club's use of the now-outlawed Employee Benefit Trusts between 2001 and 2010.

That comes after Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs won a second appeal over the ongoing 'Big Tax Case' scheme in the Court of Session last week.

It was decided the scheme - which gave millions of pounds in tax-free loans to players and other staff - broke tax rules.

Some supporters believe they should be stripped of the titles and trophies won during that nine-year period, a haul which includes five league championships.

The SPFL board last week held a conference call in order to be updated on the court ruling but Rangers do not believe looking into the matter again will achieve anything positive.

It was previously decided they would not face sporting sanctions for using the EBT scheme and now the club wants to help rebuild a Scottish game which has felt the impact of their demise.

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Image: Ibrox Stadium

A statement read: "Rangers has made it clear it wishes to reach out and work with all clubs to help revitalise Scottish football, which has also suffered in recent years.

"Our game has to become more attractive to potential sponsors and partners if the finance levels required are to be generated.

"This can only be done if we present a coherent and united strategy. Therefore, a line must be drawn now if we are all to prosper.

"As far as this club is concerned there is no need for further SPFL consideration of court judgements or appeals.

"They should be saying it is time for everyone to move on and work together for the greater good of the game. Scottish football has suffered enough."

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