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Kyle Lafferty says Northern Ireland won't let down fans against Ukraine

Kyle Lafferty
Image: Kyle Lafferty admits Northern Ireland's players 'froze on the spot' against Poland

Kyle Lafferty has told Northern Ireland fans to bank on an improved performance against Ukraine at Euro 2016 on Thursday.

Michael O'Neill's side began their tournament campaign with a lacklustre 1-0 defeat to Poland at the weekend, and the Ukraine meeting has already been billed by Jonny Evans as "make or break" for their hopes of escaping Group C.

That assessment has been endorsed by Lafferty, who says the Irish froze against Poland and is promising the team's noisy followers there will be no repeat in Lyon this week.

"For Michael, for his coaching staff, for all the people who've paid good money to come out here, we let them down and we'll put it right on Thursday," the striker said.

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"A win could take us out of this group. We still have belief. We've got two games to put it right and I'm sure we'll give a better performance than we did against Poland.

"We'll look into it, get our heads sorted, get our tactics right and I know we'll put up a far better performance than this.

"Not one player will let the fans down. Even if we don't get the result we want on Thursday, the fight and determination that got us here will be there.

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Northern Ireland goalkeeper Michael McGovern insists they must beat Ukraine in their second group game at Euro 2016, but admits it won't be easy

"[Against Poland] We were a shadow of the team that got us here. It's OK talking about nerves but the fight and the determination were not there either. We just got hit by a very good Poland side and we didn't know what to do.

"Whenever we've faced teams like that before, we could take control of it, take the game by the scruff of the neck and create chances but we didn't do that against Poland. We pretty much froze on the spot."

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