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Arango not blaming Navarro

Juan Arango is not condemning Sevilla's Javi Navarro for injuring him.

Juan Arango has said that he is not going to condemn Javi Navarro for the challenge that left him unconscious last weekend and admitted that he has problems watching the incident on television.

The Venezuelan is at the centre of a trial by media in Spain, as the press look to ensure that Navarro is heavily punished for cracking the cheekbone of Arango and leaving him with 42 stitches in a mouth wound.

But the Mallorca midfielder is only concentrating on his recuperation and does not want to join in the debate that is raging as to whether the incident was deliberate or not.

"I do not remember anything about what happened," Arango said. "My aim is to just rest and recuperate.

"I woke up on Monday morning and asked what I was doing in hospital, I did not know why I was there. I only knew that I had to travel to Venezuela for the World Cup games.

"Everything has been quite a shock and I hope that I never go through anything like this again. I have seen the incident several times and it looks to me like a hard challenge, I really do not like watching it.

"I have not spoken to Javi Navarro. I know he came and saw me, but I do not remember because I was unconscious.

"I really do not have anything to say to him. As to whether he should be sanctioned or not, I do not want to enter into that, I only want to recover from this.

"In three weeks to a month I should be better, but do not forget that I received a strong blow to my head, had 42 stitches in my mouth and fractured my cheekbone."

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