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Barrett confirms Hearts trial

Image: Barrett: Hearts chance

Former Falkirk striker Graham Barrett is hoping to win a move to Hearts after linking up with them on trial.

Striker not getting carried away over Tynecastle chances

Former Falkirk striker Graham Barrett is hoping to win a move to Hearts after linking up with them on trial. Barrett is available on a free transfer after leaving Falkirk earlier this month. The former Arsenal youngster has been invited to train with Hearts by Csaba Laszlo as he looks to bolster his attacking options. But Barrett is refusing to get carried away with the prospect of moving to Tynecastle. "I am training with Hearts and they are having a look at me," Barrett told the Daily Record. "I'm in for a couple of days to see how it goes and have a look. I am not getting carried away. "If a club of Hearts' size comes and asks you to train with them, you don't turn them down. "I enjoying training with them although I must emphasise I am just training with them. I am not taking anything from it. I am just taking it day by day."

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