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Terriers part with Unsworth

Image: Unsworth: Released

Huddersfield have terminated the contract of David Unsworth and told Chris Lucketti to find a new club.

Lucketti allowed to leave

Huddersfield have terminated the contract of David Unsworth and told Chris Lucketti to find a new club. Former England international Unsworth leaves the Terriers by mutual consent after 17-months with the League One side. Lucketti, who is currently in a second spell at the Galpharm Stadium, is deemed surplus to requirements after struggling to force his way into the first-team fold this term. With boss Lee Clark having also drafted in Liverpool defender Martin Kelly on loan last week, the two veterans do not form part of the club's plans for the future. Clark told the club's official website: "Brighton made an enquiry and we put it to Chris, who politely declined Russell Slade's offer. I've spoken to Chris to tell him he isn't a part of my long-term plans here at the club. "I also think the club has come to a financial agreement with David Unsworth to terminate his contract early. "Chris has a terrific attitude and is a great example to our younger players. I have the utmost respect for him, but if he can find another club it will be good for him. "There are also other players here who will leave for pastures new and the only constant in football is change. However, we still have some games to focus on this season and I want to win every one of them."

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