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O'Neill pays Laursen tribute

Image: Laursen: Forced to retire

Martin O'Neill has admitted it was 'devastating' to learn that Martin Laursen had retired from football.

Manager saddened by Dane's retirement

Martin O'Neill has admitted it was 'devastating' to learn that Martin Laursen had retired from football. The Aston Villa captain announced on Friday morning that he would be hanging up his boots due to injury. The Danish defender could have undergone another major operation in an attempt to prolong his career but ultimately took the decision to put his long-term health first. O'Neill has not been able to call on Laursen since January and is sorry that he will never again have him available for selection. But the manager has paid a glowing tribute to a centre-back who has always been an exceptional performer for the club when fit. "It is sad news for everyone at the football club because he has been inspirational for us," O'Neill said on Sky Sports News.


"It is a particular blow for him obviously because he can no longer play and that is very hard to take. "The irony of course is the fact that the injury happened to his very good knee, which hadn't had any problems, and he is obviously devastated as we all are. "The forecast was gloomy a couple of weeks ago and he has come to the conclusion he wouldn't be able to continue. "I have obviously lost a top-quality centre-half and a top-quality leader."

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