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Ngcongca claims City interest

Image: Ngcongca: City target

South African right-back Anele Ngcongca claims Manchester City have shown an interest in his services.

Defender interested in English switch

South African right-back Anele Ngcongca claims Manchester City have shown an interest in his services. The 22-year-old, who plies his trade with Belgian outfit Racing Genk, has been in scintillating form for both club and country and was a pivotal figure in South Africa's recent African Cup of Nations qualifying win over Niger. The Bafana Bafana defender has been in Belgium for three seasons now and admits he is ready for a new challenge, with his sights set on one of Europe's major leagues. "I have to be honest, there are a couple of teams interested in me and to become a top player you have to play amongst the best players," Ngcongca told "Any football player that is playing at a lower level wants to challenge the top guys and to play in the English Premier League, the Spanish League, the Italian League, and it is no different for me." Ngcongca spent a week-long trial with Arsenal in 2006 as an 18-year-old but the move failed to materialise as he did not have enough international games under his belt to qualify for a work permit.


However, the former FC Fortune player could have another chance at playing in England when the January transfer window opens after he recently caught the eye of Manchester City scouts in Genk's Europa League qualifying tie against Porto. "And when we played Porto there were scouts from Manchester City and they were talking about this young South African guy and it has been hitting the newspapers here in Belgium, but you never know what is happening," added Ngcongca. "On my side, I am ready to be challenging in those leagues and with what I have learned in Belgium in the couple of years, I can take my game to another level."

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