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Genoa claim United interest

Image: Richmond Boakye: Enjoying an impressive loan spell

Genoa owner Enrico Preziosi has claimed that Manchester United have made an enquiry for their loan starlet Richmond Boakye.

English giants linked with Ghana starlet

Genoa owner Enrico Preziosi has claimed that Manchester United have made an enquiry for their loan starlet Richmond Boakye. The Serie A outfit signed the Ghana striker back in 2008 following a youth tournament in Italy. After turning 18 earlier this year, they opted to loan him this summer to lower league outfit Sassuolo. And Boakye has impressed hugely in Serie B with six goals in just 11 games, which is now already leading to speculation about his future. Preziosi has now claimed that there is already huge interest in Boakye with Juventus and United both linked. "Is it true that many clubs are already finding out about Boakye? A big Italian company (understood to be Juventus) and a great English one, Manchester United, have already asked me because he is very strong," he confirmed to Corriere dello Sport.


Preziosi was also asked about Genoa's forthcoming plans, which could include Diego Milito returning to the club. "There is a mutual promise with Milito. He considers Genoa his home and we consider him one of the family. He'll come back to us, even if only for a year," he said of the Inter Milan marksman. "Could it happen as early as January? Almost impossible. (Genoa midfielder, Juraj) Kucka to Inter? The fact that Inter have bought his co-ownership makes me realise that I was right (about his value)." Preziosi also confirmed his interest in landing Juventus duo Fabio Quagliarella and Amauri. "Quagliarella and Amauri are two strikers who I like and that interest me. In January, we must be careful not to make mistakes because we want to improve the ranking of last season," he said.

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